
Acupuncture has been proven to be of great help for everyday stress and all of the problems that come with it. You can now effectively cope with migraines, chronic pain and stress thanks to The Acupuncturists Ltd. You can visit the clinic in Marylebone and see for yourself just how effective acupuncture is.

5 Ways that Acupuncture can Help you this Winter


Winter is one of the most challenging seasons to go through. Not only does the weather present colder realities to deal with, but there is also flu and other illnesses to worry about. Many people experience fatigue, extra stress and depression during winter. What can easily come to the rescue is a treatment like acupuncture. 

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medical practice, which is based on the belief that all living things have the energy Qi running through their bodies. The flow of this vital energy is what maintains good health and wellbeing in a person, as well as having them meet the challenges of everyday life. If the pathways of Qi, called meridians, become blocked, illnesses and other unpleasant conditions follow. With therapeutic practices, such as acupuncture treatment, these blockages can be addressed. The benefits of acupuncture are many and they are easy to gain access to. Just find an acupuncturist near you and schedule an appointment. They can help you in so many ways: 

  • Reduce stress – perhaps the most important benefit of acupuncture lies with stress reduction. And what better time to see it holds than winter? The busy time around the holidays and the constant need to be here or there will surely take its toll on your free time. If you feel overwhelmed and stressing out, you are probably not feeling too well about it. Unaddressed stress opens the door for many illnesses and creates a hindrance to your wellbeing. During an acupuncture treatment, your body releases natural feel-good hormones, which will instantly pick you up and make you feel better. It comes with no side effects and produces results even after the very first treatment. 

  • Boost immunity – with viruses running rampant nowadays, wouldn’t you want to use every chance to boost your immunity? That is exactly what acupuncture provides. By inserting needles in specific points of your body, the treatment works on strengthening the immune response and reducing inflammation. Besides a better immune system, you will also experience a sense of wellbeing, which will further reinforce your winter resilience. 

  • Cope with pain – if you have chronic or acute pain symptoms, acupuncture might be the thing for you. The cold weather has a way of making pains a little worse, and more common, which is exactly why you need to take measures to reduce the negative symptoms. Due to the natural painkiller hormones that acupuncture help the body release, you can feel relief almost instantly. Research suggests that regular acupuncture helps people with both chronic and acute pain symptoms. 

  • Acupuncture for better sleep – if you are having trouble falling asleep or getting decent quality sleep, you may want to try acupuncture. By easing the stress and helping relax your mind, this treatment works on the most problematic causes for insomnia and disturbed sleep. It will make you calm and get some quality rest, which you need in the winter. 

  • Helps with digestive discomfort – the winter is no time to be feeling any digestive discomfort. There are many chronic conditions, which can become more severe in the winter. Acupuncture effectively treats them and helps ease the symptoms. It calms the digestive tract and allows you to experience the holidays with one of their greatest aspects – a feast with family and loved ones. 

Acupuncture in the winter can be your greatest ally when it comes to building better health and wellbeing. It works on many unpleasant conditions that may be troubling you and creating problems. By turning to acupuncture, you have a chance to enjoy winter more than ever. 


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