Acupuncture has been proven to be of great help for everyday stress and all of the problems that come with it. You can now effectively cope with migraines, chronic pain and stress thanks to The Acupuncturists Ltd. You can visit the clinic in Marylebone and see for yourself just how effective acupuncture is.
Acupuncture is a part of the Chinese medical system, an ancient technique used to heal the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the body is composed of energy channels called meridians, each linked to an organ in the body. Stimulating these meridians at certain points, using needles and touch makes it possible for the body to be brought back to a state of balance. Acupuncture and acupressure have become widely available and popular across the world in the last century. What many people don’t realise is that acupuncture can help everyone, allowing treatment of medical conditions, as well as being a way of prevention and keeping your body and mind healthy.
Acupuncture For Relaxation
In today’s hectic world it may be a rare occasion to see someone who doesn’t feel stressed out or worn out by life. There are never enough hours of the day to meet the needs of your family, take care of yourself and deal with work. Most of us are operating at high-stress levels every day, ignoring the issue until it ends up damaging our bodies or psyche. Acupuncture is one of the best ways to relax your body and give you a sense of calm and relaxation. The majority of patients who undergo acupuncture will feel deep relaxation as soon as their first session is complete. Some may even fall asleep on the table.
Acupuncture Improves Sleep Patterns
A lot of people around the world tend to suffer from chronic insomnia or some milder types of sleep deprivation. It is difficult to fall asleep when your days are stressful. Lack of sleep has detrimental effects on the body and psyche, the longer it continues. People often turn to sleep pills to get a bit of shuteye, but those too have damaging effects that shouldn’t be ignored. They can also lead to addiction, abnormal sleep behaviours such as sleepwalking and potentially cognitive decline in rare cases. Acupuncture gives you a safe and effective treatment that doesn’t require any chemical aid. The procedure treats the underlying root cause and helps you relax.
Acupuncture Boosts Energy Levels
Most people nowadays experience some level of fatigue, burning the candle on both ends with stressful jobs, family relations or their dating life. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Qi energy of your body can be blocked, leading to eventual damage. There may be many reasons behind chronic stress, but a lot of the contributing factors lie in strong emotions, improper diet, lack of exercise, or even lack of fresh air. Acupuncture can help unblock your Qi, letting it flow freely and making you feel energised as a result. You won’t need another cup of coffee when your body is operating at optimal levels, balanced and healthy.
Acupuncture Decreases Muscle and Skeletal Pain
Acupuncture may be one of the best and safest ways to deal with acute and chronic pain. It is often used with great success, helping people recover after injury, pre-surgery or post-surgery and accidents. There are a few ways acupuncture makes that possible, decreasing pain and promoting tissue recovery. It signals the body to release endorphins and enkephalins, regulating pain in the process. It increases blood flow to your tissues, allowing oxygen and nutrients to flood the area and improving the healing process. It stimulates the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response, speeding up recovery by a measurable margin.
Acupuncture sessions greatly improve your lifestyle, giving you control over the way you handle difficult and stressful times. It allows you to take on sickness and stress with confidence.